John, General Management

Posted by: GMTS admin - Posted on:

An image with text only. Text says 'GMTS offered a tailored application journey, which involved me in the decision making of how I would be assessed. This was an organisation that wanted to develop me as a future leader.'

An image with text only. Text says 'GMTS offered a tailored application journey, which involved me in the decision making of how I would be assessed. This was an organisation that wanted to develop me as a future leader.'

My application for GMTS came from an appreciation for all the NHS has provided me with during my lifetime, leading me to formally apply during 2021.  This was towards the end of the Covid-19 pandemic. I wanted to be a part of the workforce that displayed upmost selflessness during a time of need for the nation. Highlighting to me the role I could take towards self-developing as a leader within healthcare.

Leading up to my application for the GMTS scheme I was apprehensive of my journey, because as a candidate with Dyslexia I have felt at a disadvantage applying for graduate schemes in the past.  Although organisations have confirmed they could be supportive of my individual requirements, upon beginning applications I often felt isolated, and that the employer followed policy but didn’t have a vested interest in my development or understanding of what could support me to gain a place on their scheme.

My application to GMTS was different because as soon as I confirmed my requirements, the Scheme offered greater flexibility than I could have imagined, leading to a tailored application journey, which involved me in the decision making of how I would be assessed. This gave me autonomy and instilled confidence this was an organisation that wanted to develop me as a future leader. Since gaining a place on the Scheme the support hasn’t stopped, whether this has been my placement manager allowing me periods to reflect upon work or support networks available to me.

My ambition within leadership is to demonstrate awareness for vulnerable sub-groups using teachings from the Elizabeth Garret Anderson programme to display inclusivity within my approach.

My advice to applicants who wish to apply for the GMTS scheme but feel that they may not be able to due to disability, is to bring yourself to work.  The NHS is there to serve all and therefore its workforce needs to reflect society. Don’t assume that there is a categorisation for the candidate they are looking for. You are an individual and you can offer invaluable contribution towards the NHS.

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